Additional Information

Classroom Rules:

The rules for my classroom are simple.  I expect the children to:

1.     Treat other children and adults with respect.

2.     Listen and follow directions.

3.     Become responsible for their own actions and accept the consequences for their choices.

Daily Coorespondace:

Please check your child's binder each day.  You will find a weekly newsletter in the front located in a clear proctector.  You will find important class information on the front including our objective's for the week, important dates, notes and reminders.  On the back you will see the homework listed for each night.  All homework is due Friday morning completed.  Graded papers will be sent home every Friday.  Please look through the papers sign the designated spot located in the back of the binder.  If you have questions or comments please write those in the blank space next to the parent/guardian signature.

First Grade Objective's:

The First Grade Grading System:

E   90-100

G   80-89

S   70-79

N   65-69

U   Below 65

Educational Website's: